Resume Building

Resume Coaching & Cover Letter

Review & Building Techniques

A large number of the clients who contact me for resume help" finding a job or figuring out a smart career move inevitably wind up redoing their resume at my urging, even if they are perfectly satisfied with the way they’re presenting themselves. That’s because most resumes tend to focus on functions performed rather than on impact. Using my resume coaching approach will ensure that you communicate not simply that you did stuff, but that what you did made a difference! And that’s going to impress a potential employer a lot more.

What to Expect from Resume Building Services

A good resume is essential even if you’re not actively looking for a job. You never know when an opportunity might arise and it’s best to join resume building services. Plus the process of building a strong resume can help you articulate what you bring to the table, which can be useful in annual reviews, salary negotiations, lobbying for promotions, etc.

With my marketing background and advertising career I know a lot about crafting language to optimally present your credentials. Someone reading your resume should walk away with a clear impression of you as someone who can make things happen, not just someone who performs functions. So you’ll want to use words like created, spearheaded, initiated, strengthened, improved, etc. Minimize the use of phrases like “responsible for;”

After all, you can be responsible for something and still do a poor job of executing it.

But it’s not just about words – the look of your resume coaching services is important as well. So critiquing the layout and type font is something I do as well.

You do need to start with your “basic” (I.e. non-tailored) document that presents you in the best light. But if you’re applying for jobs you need to make sure that the resume is tightly tailored to the specs of your prospective position. “One size fits all” is a recipe for a sub-par resume in those situations.

Finally, creating a powerful LinkedIn profile is a related, and about as important, project. There should be many similarities between your profile and your resume; sometimes it makes sense for them to be exactly the same.

Rated Washington D.C.'s

Best Resume Coaching Help

“Jim Weinstein is a career coach not only with a Harvard MBA, but with over two decades of experience as both a business executive and a licensed psychotherapist. Impressive, right? It’s this variety of education, experience, and skill that has landed him firmly on our list of the best resume writers in DC. Jim’s experience as a psychotherapist can give him a leg up in working through how to best position you for success. His expertise is often featured in The Washington Post and the Washingtonian.” -Find My Profession

“Jim Weinstein, MBA helps clients land their dream jobs with competitive career consultation. With 20 years of experience, he has helped many clients make successful career transitions. Furthermore, they counsel clients in various ways that help them be more productive. In addition, they are delighted to provide coaching in a comfortable, relaxed, and enriching environment.” -Kev’s Best

“They provide full-service coaching for all job-seeking applicants. Furthermore, their services include marketing help, career help, and career coaching. They also provide resume help and career transition services.” -Jeanie Burford, Reporter

Contact Jim

Frequently Asked Questions

Normally, sessions are 50 minutes long, although arrangements can be made for longer sessions.

The answer to that question depends entirely on the issue(s) you are seeking to resolve. If you’re coming in for something fairly straightforward, such as networking or interviewing coaching, or to improve your resume/LinkedIn profile/cover letter, you’ll probably need to meet with me once or twice. If you’re looking to tackle a more complex issue (e.g. if you’re dissatisfied with your current career but don’t know what alternatives would make sense, and/or if there is a significant emotional block like low self-confidence or debilitating anxiety) we’re probably looking at somewhere between four and eight sessions. After a preliminary conversation with you I’ll be able to give you a reasonable estimate.

Resume preparation is another of my specialties. Of equal importance is crafting an outstanding LinkedIn profile, for which I’ll also provide expert guidance.

For the foreseeable future I am only conducting sessions virtually (FaceTime, WhatsApp, Zoom, Skype, or phone). I have found virtual sessions to be just as effective as in-person, in addition to being more convenient for both my clients and me. I can schedule sessions just about any time between 10 a.m. and 7 p.m. weekdays, and even on weekends if necessary.

My rate per 50 minute session ranges from $250 to $450. The rate varies according to the complexity of the issue(s) we will be working on, and your ability to pay.

If, after our initial meeting we determine that multiple sessions make sense, I will be happy to discuss a package with a reduced per-session fee.

If you are eligible for insurance reimbursement (i.e. if our work together involves a significant emotional or psychological component, and if you have out-of-network mental health benefits), I will be happy to provide you with the documentation necessary for reimbursement. Unfortunately I will not be able to determine whether you have coverage as there are hundreds of types of plans offered by insurance carriers; you will need to contact your carrier or HR department to determine whether your plan provides coverage for my services.

Zelle, Venmo, PayPal, check or cash.

The primary tasks in our first session will be:

Agree to a goal (s) for our work together.
Get to know each other so as to ensure that we’re a good “fit” (it’s very rare that the fit isn’t good).
Agree to next steps that will begin to move the ball forward. I believe that every session should include assignments that will result in progress towards our agreed-upon goals.

I have had 4 successful careers – as advertising executive, psychotherapist, non-profit president and career counselor, so I know the challenges inherent in launching and thriving in different jobs. And having built fulfilling lives in 3 vastly different cities- NY LA and DC – gives me valuable additional perspective. Plus having coached many hundreds of clients in just about every conceivable field and through all kinds of challenges I have an unmatched breadth of career knowledge and insight.

Insight – my training as a therapist allows me to better under my clients and helps me provide them with superior guidance. Tone of voice, facial expression, body language, the stories you use to illuminate your history and the way you express yourself – confidently, tentatively, modestly, with an edge – all help me understand you and allow me to tailor our conversations and the homework I usually give so that they achieve maximum impact.

Creativity- I thrived in advertising, a career in which creativity is the most important attribute. It’s one I cherish .Helping my clients think in new ways, see new patterns, and identify opportunities that are sometimes unorthodox are skills that have repeatedly borne fruit.

Intelligence – it’s uncool to boast but as a Phi Beta Kappa, Harvard graduate and Jeopardy winner I think my background speaks for itself.

Curiosity- I’m interested in a huge range of topics ( that really helps on Jeopardy!$ I’ve been to all 50 states and over 80 countries. I speak 5 languages. And what drew me to psychotherapy and career work was the chance to hear the stories and share the experiences and the world view of an astounding variety of people. I love learning about them and coming to understand them.

Achievement orientation ~ I’ve always been motivated by getting results., whether grades, honors, fluency, mastery, or concrete contributions to others. Providing specific, actionable guidance to Help my clients find greater satisfaction in their lives is more than a job – for me it’s a joyous endeavor.

“I will coach you on the techniques you need to do it beautifully.”


Helpful Tips & Advice

Resume Building and Resume Coaching
Writing An Impactful Resume
About Resumés
Project management - Jim Weinstein
How to Communicate Transferrable Skills

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